Glass Bottle Distributor

Glass Bottle Distributor


The Glass Bottle Distributor responded to a startup juice company's need for reusable, sustainable glass bottles. Anndooo provided high-quality, customizable borosilicate glass bottles, ensuring durability and non-reactivity with the juices' flavors. These bottles aligned perfectly with the client's environmental ethos and customer expectations, minimizing their carbon footprint while supporting their branding efforts.

Glass Bottle Distributor
Glass Bottle Distributor

Client's Need: A startup juice company wanted reusable, sustainable glass bottles for their organic juices to minimize their carbon footprint and support their branding.

Challenge: They needed bottles that were sturdy, customizable for branding, and made with materials that wouldn't with the juices' flavors. 

Solution: We supplied the company with high-quality, customizable borosilicate glass bottles. 
These bottles are not only durable and non-reactive but also fully recyclable, aligning with the client's environmental ethos and customer expectations.